Orthopedic surgery is performed on the bones and joints of the body. While hips and knees are the most common procedures, almost any joint in the body can be operated on. Shoulders and ankles are considered specialized joints surgeons who specialize in this area. The most common reasons for orthopedic surgery are traumatic injury and osteoarthritis, ongoing joint damage from arthritis, as well as spine and back issues caused by injury, disc degeneration or stenosis.
American Physicians Network (APN) helps patients find and access affordable Orthopedic Surgery treatment options with surgeons who have received their country’s highest standard of certification and completed extensive training, including advanced fellowships. APN can work with you to help you understand your treatment options.
Contact APN online or request a free Orthopedic Surgery Preliminary Patient Consultation online today!
Health Travel Orthopedic Surgery Options
Your orthopedic procedure will be performed by qualified, licensed orthopedic surgeons in facilities in other countries that have received Joint Commission Accreditation, which is the gold standard in healthcare.
Spine and Back Surgery
APN works with a network of neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons to ensure a high level of care for procedures such as discectomies, laminectomy and spinal fusions. General neurosurgery is available for the treatment of tumors.
Hip and Knee Surgery
The most common orthopedic surgeries, hip/knee operations are performed by physicians who have performed hundreds of procedures. APN offers access to total hip and knee replacement surgery, ACL reconstruction, hip resurfacing, and osteotomies.
Foot and Ankle Surgery
The most common foot and ankle procedures are osteotomies, ankle replacement and correction of defects like club foot, flat feet or other foot and ankle conditions that cause gait disturbances. Ankle surgery should only be performed by orthopedic surgeons who have sub specialized in this area.
Shoulder Surgery
The most common shoulder surgeries include arthroscopy, rotator cuff repair and shoulder replacement. Like ankle surgery, shoulder surgeries should only be performed by specially trained orthopedic surgeons who have sub specialized in this area.
These procedures are performed by doctors we can personally endorse, having assisted in the operating room with them.
How Much Does Orthopedic Surgery Cost?
Orthopedic Surgery costs are determined by many factors including the type of the procedure and travel costs to the location where the surgery is performed.
We have comprehensive packages starting at $16,460.00 USD for both total hip and total knee replacements*.
Basic arthroscopy starts as low as $8,810.00
If you are a good candidate for Orthopedic Surgery, APN will work with you to identify affordable treatment so you can select the option that is best for you.
Is Medical Tourism Safe When Used for Orthopedic Surgery?
The orthopedic surgeons affiliated with APN are recognized as experts in their field and are committed to ensuring the highest level of patient care.
Orthopedic Surgery patients have the best surgical outcomes when the procedure is performed at a high-volume specialty center, like those affiliated with APN.
Find out if you are a good candidate for Orthopedic Surgery today!
The medical professionals at APN can help you determine if you are a good candidate for Orthopedic Surgery as well as help you understand your treatment options when traveling for this surgery.
If you are looking for excellent care at an affordable price, contact APN online or request a free Preliminary Patient Consultation for Orthopedic Surgery today!
*Quotes include flight costs and accommodations. Depending on these costs, or upgraded accommodations, final expenses may be higher.